Cognitive Delays Recorded in Babies Born After Covid-19 Pandemic

Recent studies have revealed concerning findings about the cognitive development of babies born after the Covid-19 pandemic. Research indicates that many infants born during or shortly after the pandemic are exhibiting signs of delayed cognitive development compared to those born before the pandemic. Experts are now investigating the potential long-term effects of the global health…

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Fetal Development in the Mother’s Womb: A Closer Look

Fetal development in the womb is a fascinating process that begins immediately after conception. This complex journey involves rapid growth and significant milestones that contribute to the baby’s eventual birth. The first trimester marks the beginning of crucial development stages, where the embryo forms essential organs and systems. During the early weeks, the embryo is…

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Things Every Parent Should Know About Baby Development

Baby development is a fascinating and critical process. It’s important for parents to understand the milestones their baby will reach. These milestones include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Each stage plays an essential role in your baby’s growth. In the early months, babies start by learning to control their movements. Initially, they will respond…

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